LibreOffice 25.2 Help
In a Master document, you can switch the Navigator between normal view and master view.
The Navigator lists the main components of the master document. If you rest the mouse pointer over a name of a sub-document in the list, the full path of the sub-document is displayed.
Master način rada navigatora prikazuje sljedeće ikone:
Mijenja sa master na normalni način rada
Toggle Master View
Edit the contents of the component selected in the Navigator list. If the selection is a file, the file is opened for editing. If the selection is an index, the Index dialog is opened.
Kliknite i odaberite sadržaj koji želite obnoviti.
Obnavlja sadržaj odabira.
Obnavlja sve indekse.
Obnavlja sve linkove.
Obnavlja sav sadržaj.
This command is found by right-clicking an inserted file in the Navigator. Changes the link properties for the selected file.
Unosi dokument, indeks, ili novi dokument u master dokument.
Možete unijeti dokument u master dokument povlačenjem dokumenta sa desktopa i puštanjem istog na master pogled navigatora.
Unosi indeks ili tabelu sadržaja u master dokument.
Unosi jedan ili više postojećih dokumenata u master dokument.
Kreira i unosi novi sub-dokument. Kada kreirate novi dokument, morate unijeti ime dokumenta i lokaciju gdje želite spremiti isti.
Unosi novi paragraf u master dokument u koji možete unijeti tekst. Ne možete unijeti tekst do postojećeg tekstualnog unosa u navigatoru.
Saves a copy of the contents of the linked files in the master document. This ensures that the current contents are available when the linked files cannot be accessed.
Spasi sadržaj takođe
Moves the selection up one position in the Navigator list. You can also move entries by dragging and dropping them in the list. If you move a text section onto another text section, the text sections are merged.
Pomjeri gore
Moves the selection down one position in the Navigator list. You can also move entries by dragging and dropping them in the list. If you move a text section onto another text section, the text sections are merged.
Pomjeri dole
This command is found by right-clicking an item in the Navigator. Deletes the selection from the Navigator list and the master document, but does not delete the subdocument file.