
Saves the current document with a different name and format to a location that you specify.

To access this command...

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Export.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Export.

From toolbars:

Icon Export



Unlike Save As, the Export command writes a copy of the current document in a new file with the chosen format, but keeps the current document and format open in your session.

The Export command opens the system file picker, where you can enter the name and format of the exported file.

File dialogs - such as Open, Save As and the like - are available in two different ways:

Use - LibreOffice - General to shift from one to the other.

Folder selection

Pick up your preferred folder from the pull-down list or type its path name. Autocomplete function can be used to ease typing.

Connect to a server using the File Services dialog.
Select a parent folder from the folder path with Icon Open.

Add a subfolder to the current folder with create new folder.

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Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter a URL

File format

Select the file format for the document that you are saving. In the display area, only the documents with this file type are displayed. File types are described in Information on Import and Export Filters.

Automatic file name extension

Enforces the Open Document Format (ODF) when checked.


Exports only the selected graphic objects in LibreOffice Draw and Impress to another format. If this box is not checked, the entire document is exported.


If you are exporting to any document file type, the entire document is exported.


Saves the file.

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