LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Za postavljanje dodatnih opcija za naljepnice ili vizit-karte, uključujući sinhronizaciju teksta i podešavanja printera.
Creates a full page of labels or business cards.
Prints a single label or business card on a page.
Enter the column in which you want to place your single label or business card.
Enter the row in which you want to place your single label or business card.
Allows you to edit a single label or business card and updates the contents of the remaining labels or business cards on the page when you click the Synchronize Labels button.
The Synchronize labels button only appears in your document if you have selected the Synchronize contents on the Options tab when you created the labels or business cards.
Kopira sadržaje gornje lijeve naljepnice ili vizit-karte u preostale naljepnice na stranici.
Prikazuje ime trenutno odabranog printera.
Opens the Printer Setup dialog.