XML File Formats

By default, LibreOffice loads and saves files in the OpenDocument file format.

Note Icon

The OpenDocument file format (ODF) is a standardized file format used by many software applications. You can find more information at the Wikipedia site: wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument.

OpenDocument format datoteke imena

LibreOffice uses the following file formats:

Dokument format

Ekstenzija datoteke

ODF Tekst


ODF Tekst šablon


ODF Glavni Dokumenat


ODF Master Document Template


HTML dokument


HTML Dokument šablon


ODF Spreadsheet


ODF Spreadsheet Template


ODF crtež




ODF Prezentacija


ODF Prezentacija šablon


ODF formula


ODF baza podataka


Dodatak za LibreOffice


Note Icon

HTML format nije OpenDocument format.

ODF Chart is the name of the file format for stand alone charts. This format with the extension *.odc is currently not in use.

Evolution of the OpenDocument format

OpenDocument format razvija tijekom vremena.

ODF verzija

Datum standarda odobri OASIS

Prvi podržava verziju OpenOffice.org / StarOffice

ODF 1.0


OpenOffice.org 1.1.5 ili StarOffice 7

ODF 1.1


OpenOffice.org 2.2 ili StarOffice 8 Update 4

ODF 1.0


OpenOffice.org 3 ili StarOffice 9

ODF 1.2 Extended (compatibility mode)

LibreOffice 3.5

ODF 1.2 Extended

OpenOffice.org 1.1.5 ili StarOffice 7

ODF 1.3


LibreOffice 7.0

ODF 1.3 Extended

LibreOffice 7.0

In current versions, you can select to save your documents using ODF 1.2 or ODF 1.0/1.1 (for backward compatibility). Choose - Load/Save - General and select the ODF format version.

Tip Icon

If you want to define another file format as the default, choose - Load/Save - General to find alternative file formats for each LibreOffice document type.

Struktura XML datoteke

Documents in OpenDocument file format are stored as compressed zip archives that contain XML files. To view these XML files, you can open the OpenDocument file with an unzip program. The following files and directories are contained within the OpenDocument files:

  1. Tekst sadržaj dokumenta se nalazi u content.xml.

    By default, content.xml is stored without formatting elements like indentation or line breaks to minimize the time for saving and opening the document. The use of indentations and line breaks can be activated in the Expert configuration by setting the property /org.openoffice.Office.Common/Save/Document PrettyPrinting to true.

  2. Datoteka meta.xml sadrži meta podatke o dokumentu koje možete unijeti pod Datoteka - Osobine.

    Ako spremite dokument s lozinkom, meta.xml neće biti kodiran.

  3. Datoteka settings.xml sadrži daljnje informacije o postavkama za ovaj dokument.

  4. In styles.xml, you find the styles applied to the document that can be seen in the Styles window.

  5. meta-inf/manifest.xml datoteka opisuje strukturu XML datoteke.

Dodatne datoteke i mape mogu biti sadržane u arhivi.

Definicija XML formata

The schema for the OpenDocument formats can be found on the www.oasis-open.org web site.

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