Format izabranog

Formats the selected object. Depending on the object selected, the command opens dialogs that you can also open by choosing the following commands from the Format menu:

To access this command...

Choose Format - Format Selection (Charts)

Grafikon zid

Otvara Zid grafa dijalog, u kojem možete izmjeniti osobine zida grafikona. Zid grafa je "vertikalna" pozadina iza područja podataka grafa.

Grafikon oblasti

Otvara Površina grafa dijalog, u kojem možete da izmjenite površinu grafa. To obuhvata cijelu pozadinu iza grafa.

Grafikon sprat

Otvara pod grafa dijalog, u kojem možete mijenjati osobine poda grafa. Pod grafike je niži predjeo u 3D grafikama. Ova funkcija je samo dostupna u 3D grafikama.


Izmijenite osobine izabranog naslova.


Definiše ivicu, područje i karakter atributa za legendu.


Opens a dialog, where you can edit the properties of the selected axis.


Otvara Y-osa dijalog da izmjenite osobine Y ose.


Otvara dijalog Mreža za definisanje osobina.

Podatak tačka

This dialog allows you to change the properties of a selected data point. The dialog appears when there is only one data point selected when you choose Format - Format Selection. Some of the menu entries are only available for 2D or 3D charts.

Serije podataka

Use this to change the properties of a selected data series. This dialog appears when one data series is selected when you choose Format - Format Selection. Some of the menu entries are only available for 2D or 3D charts.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.

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