
Koristite ovaj dijalog prozor za definisanje nekih opcija koje su dostupne za određene tipove grafikona. Sadržaj dijalog prozora Opcije varira sa tipom grafikona.

To access this command...

D'oh! You found a bug (text/schart/00/00000004.xhp#optionen not found).

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U ovoj oblasti možete izabrati između dva oblika y-ose. Ose mogu biti podijeljene i sa datim mogućnostima odvojeno.

Primarna y-osa

Ova opcija je aktivna po defaultu. Sve serije podataka su poravnane do primarne y-ose.

Dodatne y-ose

Mijenja podjelu y-ose. Ova osa je vidljiva jedino kada joj je najmanje jedna serija podataka pridružena i kada je vidljivost ose aktivna.


Define the settings for a bar chart in this area. Any changes apply to all data series of the chart, not to the selected data only.


Defines the spacing between the columns in percent. The maximal spacing is 600%.


Defines the necessary settings for overlapping data series. You can choose between -100 and +100%.

Linije povezivanja

For "stacked" and "percent" column (vertical bar) charts, mark this check box to connect the column layers that belong together with lines.

Pokaži oznake jednu uz drugu

If two axes are shown in a bar chart, and some data series are attached to the first axis, while some other data series are attached to the second axis, then both sets of data series are shown independently, overlapping each other.

As a result, bars attached to the first y-axis are partly or completely hidden by bars attached to the second y-axis. To avoid this, enable the option to display bars side by side. The bars from different data series are shown as if they were attached only to one axis.

Smjer kretanja kazaljke na satu

Available for pie and donut charts. The default direction in which the pieces of a pie chart are ordered is counterclockwise. Enable the Clockwise direction checkbox to draw the pieces in opposite direction.

Početni ugao

Drag the small dot along the circle or click any position on the circle to set the starting angle of a pie or donut chart. The starting angle is the mathematical angle position where the first piece is drawn. The value of 90 degrees draws the first piece at the 12 o'clock position. A value of 0 degrees starts at the 3 o'clock position.

Note Icon

U 3D krug grafikonu koji smo kreirali sa starijim verzijama softvera, početni ugao je 0 stepeni umjesto 90 stepeni. Za stare i nove 2D grafikone default početni ugao je 90 stepeni.

Note Icon

When you change the starting angle or the direction, only current versions of the software show the changed values. Older versions of the software display the same document using the default values: Always counterclockwise direction and a starting value of 90 degrees (2D pie charts) or 0 degrees (3D pie charts).


Enter the starting angle between 0 and 359 degrees. You can also click the arrows to change the displayed value.

Nedostaju vrijednosti za nacrt

Sometimes values are missing in a data series that is shown in a chart. You can select from different options how to plot the missing values. The options are available for some chart types only.

Leave gap

For a missing value, no data will be shown. This is the default for chart types Column, Bar, Line, Net.

Assume zero

For a missing value, the y-value will be shown as zero. This is the default for chart type Area.

Continue line

For a missing value, the interpolation from the neighbor values will be shown. This is the default for chart type XY.

Include values from hidden cells

Check to also show values of currently hidden cells within the source cell range.

Hide legend entry

Do not show legend entry for the selected data series or data point.

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