Instructions for Using LibreOffice Calc

Na stranici za pomoć $ [officename] opće možete naći upute koje su primjenjive na sve module, kao što je rad s prozorima i izbornicima, podešavanje LibreOffice, izvori podataka, galerije i povuci i ispusti.

If you want help with another module, switch to the help for that module with the combo box in the navigation area.

Formatiranje tabela i ćelija

Freezing Rows or Columns as Headers

Highlighting Negative Numbers

Cells in Currency Format

Deactivating Automatic Changes

Formatting Spreadsheets

Applying Automatic Formatting to a Selected Cell Range

Selecting Themes for Sheets

Assigning Formats by Formula

Applying Conditional Formatting

Undoing Direct Formatting for a Document

Copying to Multiple Sheets

Izbor visestrukih celija

Merge and Unmerge Cells

Formatting Numbers With Decimals

User-defined Number Formats

Formatting Numbers as Text

Converting Text to Numbers

Inserting and Editing Notes

D'oh! You found a bug (text/scalc/guide/rename_table.xhp#rename_table not found).

Changing Row Height or Column Width

Changing Table Views

Using Rounded Off Numbers

Only Copy Visible Cells

Kopiranje Formatiranja Sa Formatom Četka

Inserting Line Breaks in Cells

D'oh! You found a bug (text/scalc/guide/text_rotate.xhp#text_rotate not found).

Writing Multi-line Text

Text Superscript / Subscript

Inserting Special Characters

Changing the Color of Text

Switching Between Insert Mode and Overwrite Mode

Inserting Non-breaking Spaces, Hyphens and Soft Hyphens

D'oh! You found a bug (text/shared/guide/redlining_enter.xhp#redlining_enter not found).

Unošenje vrijednosti i formula

Entering Values

Calculating With Formulae

Displaying Formulae or Values

Entering Formulae in the Formula Bar

Copying Formulae

Calculating in Spreadsheets

Calculating With Dates and Times

Calculating Time Differences

D'oh! You found a bug (text/scalc/guide/fraction_enter.xhp#fraction_enter not found).

Entering a Number with Leading Zeros

D'oh! You found a bug (text/scalc/guide/multitables.xhp#multitables not found).

Navigating Through Sheet Tabs

Automatically Filling in Data Based on Adjacent Cells

Applying Sort Lists

Applying Filters

Applying AutoFilter

Applying Advanced Filters

Only Copy Visible Cells

Entering Matrix Formulae

Rotating Tables (Transposing)

User-Defined Functions

Unošenje referenci

Naming Cells

Recognizing Names as Addressing

Referencing Cells by Drag-and-Drop

Addresses and References, Absolute and Relative

References to Other Sheets and Referencing URLs

Referencing a Cell in Another Document

Entering Matrix Formulae

Inserting External Data in Table (WebQuery)

Nizovi baze podataka u tabelama

Defining a Database Range

Filtering Cell Ranges

Sorting Database Ranges

Napredne kalkulacije

D'oh! You found a bug (text/scalc/guide/datapilot.xhp#datapilot not found).

Creating DataPilot Tables

Editing DataPilot Tables

Filtering DataPilot Tables

D'oh! You found a bug (text/scalc/guide/datapilot_updatetable.xhp#datapilot_updatetable not found).

Deleting DataPilot Tables

Selecting DataPilot Output Ranges

Consolidating Data

Applying Goal Seek

D'oh! You found a bug (text/scalc/guide/multioperation.xhp#multioperation not found).

Validity of Cell Contents

Using Scenarios

Printing and Print Preview

Defining Print Ranges on a Sheet

Printing Sheet Details

Defining Number of Pages for Printing

Printing Sheets in Landscape Format

Printing Rows or Columns on Every Page

Defining Graphics or Colors in the Background of Pages (Watermark)

Unosenje i iznosenje dokumenata

Otvaranje I Čuvanje Tekstualnih CSV Datoteka

Importovanje i Eksportovanje Tekstualnih CSV Datoteka sa formulama

D'oh! You found a bug (text/scalc/guide/dbase_files.xhp#dbase_files not found).

Saving and Opening Sheets in HTML

Sending Documents as Email

Opening documents saved in other formats

Saving Documents in Other Formats


Shortcut Keys (LibreOffice Calc Accessibility)

Lijepljenje Sadržaja u Posebnim Formatima

Changing Your Working Directory

Protecting Cells from Changes

Unprotecting Cells

Freezing Rows or Columns as Headers

Inserting and Editing Notes

Rotating Tables (Transposing)

User-Defined Functions

Inserting External Data in Table (WebQuery)

19xx/20xx Years

Inserting, Editing, Saving Bitmaps Images

Applying Line Styles Using the Toolbar

Defining Arrow Styles

Defining Line Styles

Recording a Macro

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