LibreOffice 25.2 Help
LibreOffice Calc saves all the sheets of a Calc document together as an HTML document. At the beginning of the HTML document, a heading and a list of hyperlinks are automatically added which lead to the individual sheets within the document.
Numbers are shown as written. In addition, in the <SDVAL> HTML tag, the exact internal number value is written so that after opening the HTML document with LibreOffice you know you have the exact values.
Da spasite trenutni Calc dokument kao HTML, izaberite Datoteka - Snimi kao.
U Vrsta datoteke prozoru, u predjelu sa drugim LibreOffice Calc filterima, izaberite tip datoteke ""HTML Document (LibreOffice Calc)"".
Enter Naziv datoteke and click Snimi.
LibreOffice offers various filters for opening HTML files, which you can select under Datoteka - Otvori in the File type list box:
Izaberi tip datoteke ""HTML Document (LibreOffice Calc)"" da otvorite u LibreOffice Calc.
Sve LibreOffice Calc opcije su vam sada dostupne. Ali, ne mogu sve opcije LibreOffice koje Calc nudi za editovanje biti spašene u HTML formatu.