Define Range

Definira domet baze podataka na temelju odabranih celija u vašoj tabeli.


Možete odabrati samo pravokutni raspon celija.

To access this command...

From the menu bar:

Choose Data - Define Range.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Data - Define Range.

On the Data menu of the Data tab, choose Define Range.

From toolbars:

Icon Define Range

Define Range


Unesite ime za domet baze podataka koji želite definirati ili odaberite postojece ime s popisa.


Prikazuje odabrani raspon celija.

Shrink / Expand

Click the Shrink icon to reduce the dialog to the size of the input field. It is then easier to mark the required reference in the sheet. The icons then automatically convert to the Expand icon. Click it to restore the dialog to its original size.

The dialog is automatically minimized when you click into a sheet with the mouse. As soon as you release the mouse button, the dialog is restored and the reference range defined with the mouse is highlighted in the document by a blue frame.

Icon shrink


Icon Expand



Dodaje odabrani raspon celija na popis raspona baze podataka, ili izmijeni postojeci raspom baze podataka.


Deletes the selected element or elements after confirmation.


Contains column labels

Odabrani rasponi celija sadrže oznake.

Contains totals row

The database range has a row for totals.

Insert or delete cells

Automatically inserts new rows and columns into the database range in your document when new records are added to the database. To manually update the database range, choose Data - Refresh Range.

Keep formatting

Primjenjuje postojeci format celije zaglavlja podataka i prvi red uz cijeli niz podataka.

Don't save imported data

Samo sprema referencu na bazu podataka, a ne sadržaj celija.


Prikazuje informacije o trenutnom izvoru baze podataka i svim postojecim operatorima.


Denotes what operations (if any) have been applied to the database range. For example, “Sort”, “Filter”, or “Subtotals”.

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