LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Moves or copies a sheet to a new location in the document or to a different document.
Kada kopirate i zalijepite celije koje sadržavaju datumske vrijednosti razlicitih proracunskih tablica, obje proracunske tablice moraju biti postavljene na istu bazu datuma. Ako se datumske baze razlikuju, prikazane datumske vrijednosti ce se promjeniti!
Indicates where the current sheet is to be moved or copied to. Select - new document - if you want to create a new location for the sheet to be moved or copied.
The current sheet is moved or copied in front of the selected sheet. The - move to end position - option places the current sheet at the end.
Specifies that the sheet is to be copied. If the option is unmarked, the sheet is moved. Moving sheets is the default.