UNO Objects, Functions and Services
Functions, objects and services of Unified Network Objects (UNO).
LibreOffice Global Objects
The StarDesktop object represents LibreOffice application. Some routines or user interface objects such as current window can be used via StarDesktop.
vraća zadani kontekst tvornice procesa usluga, ukoliko postoji, drugi vraća null reference.
Vraca the ProcessServiceManager (central Uno ServiceManager).
To manage personal or shared library containers (Application Macros or My Macros) from within a document, use the GlobalScope specifier.
Active document Objects
The following objects can be used from the active document.
ThisComponent represents the current document in Basic macros. It addresses the active component whose properties can be read and set, and whose methods can be called. Properties and methods available through ThisComponent depend on the document type.
ThisDatabaseDocument addresses the active Base document whose properties can be read and set, and whose methods can be called.
ThisDatabaseDocument returns an object of type
UNO Methods
Use the following methods to manage or query Unified Network Objects (UNO).
Kreira a Basic Uno object that represents a Uno dialogue box control tokom Basic run-time.
Creates a Listener instance.
Instantiates a Uno service with the ProcessServiceManager.
Instantiates a UNO service with the ProcessServiceManager, including supplemental optional arguments.
Creates an instance of a Uno structure type.
vraća objekt koji predstavlja strogo tip vrijednosti koji se odnose na sustav uno tipa.
Returns True if the two specified Basic variables represent the same Uno object instance.
Provjerava da li Basic Uno podržava odredena Uno Sucelja.
Vraca True ako je dati objekat Uno struct.
Kreira UNO objekat. Na Windows, moze kreirati OLE objekte.
Ova metoda kreira instante tipa koji su prosli kao parametri.
LibreOffice provides an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows controlling the LibreOffice components with different programming languages by using the LibreOffice Software Development Kit (SDK). For more information about the LibreOffice API and the Software Development Kit, visit