Chr Function

Varca karakter koji odgovara odredenom kodu karaktera.


      Chr[$](charcode As Integer) As String

Return value:



charcode: a numeric expression that represents a valid 8-bit ASCII value (0-255) or a 16-bit Unicode value. (To support expressions with a nominally negative argument like Chr(&H8000) in a backwards-compatible way, values in the range −32768 to −1 are internally mapped to the range 32768 to 65535.)


When VBA compatibility mode is enabled (Option VBASupport 1), charcode is a numeric expression that represents a valid 8-bit ASCII value (0-255) only.

Koristi Chr$ funkciju da pošalje specijalne kontrolne sekvence printeru ili nekom drugom izlaznom izvoru. Takode se može koristiti i za unošenje navodnika u string izrazima.

Error codes:

5 Invalid procedure call

6 Prelivanje


An overflow error will occur when VBA compatibility mode is enabled and the expression value is greater than 255.


        Sub ExampleChr
            REM Ovaj primjer unosi navodnike (ASCII value 34) u stringu.
            MsgBox "A " + Chr$(34) + "short" + Chr(34) + " trip."
            REM Ispis se prikazuje u dijalogu kao: "Kratko" putovanje.
            MsgBox Chr(charcode := 64) ' "@" sign
        End Sub

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