LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Varca karakter koji odgovara odredenom kodu karaktera.
Chr[$](charcode As Integer) As String
charcode: a numeric expression that represents a valid 8-bit ASCII value (0-255) or a 16-bit Unicode value. (To support expressions with a nominally negative argument like Chr(&H8000) in a backwards-compatible way, values in the range −32768 to −1 are internally mapped to the range 32768 to 65535.)
When VBA compatibility mode is enabled (Option VBASupport 1), charcode is a numeric expression that represents a valid 8-bit ASCII value (0-255) only.
Koristi Chr$ funkciju da pošalje specijalne kontrolne sekvence printeru ili nekom drugom izlaznom izvoru. Takode se može koristiti i za unošenje navodnika u string izrazima.
An overflow error will occur when VBA compatibility mode is enabled and the expression value is greater than 255.
Sub ExampleChr
REM Ovaj primjer unosi navodnike (ASCII value 34) u stringu.
MsgBox "A " + Chr$(34) + "short" + Chr(34) + " trip."
REM Ispis se prikazuje u dijalogu kao: "Kratko" putovanje.
MsgBox Chr(charcode := 64) ' "@" sign
End Sub