GoSub...Return Statement

Calls a subroutine that is indicated by a label inside a Sub or a Function. The statements following the label are executed until the next Return statement. Afterwards, the program continues with the statement that follows the GoSub statement.


GoSub label[:]


label: A line identifier indicating where to continue execution. The scope of a label in that of the routine it belongs to.

The GoSub statement calls a local subroutine indicated by a label from within a subroutine or a function. The name of the label must end with a colon (":").

  Sub/Function foo
      ' statements
      GoSub label
      ' statements
      Exit Sub/Function
      ' statements
  End Sub/Function
Warning Icon

PREVEDIAko program naiđe na Vrati naredbu kojoj ne prethodi GoSub, LibreOffice Basic vraća poruku greške. Koristi Exit Sub ili Exit Function kako bi se osiguralo da program ostavlja Sub ili Function prije nego dosegne sljedeću Vrati naredbu.

Sljedeći primjer pokazuje korištenje GoSub i Vrati . Izvršenjem sekcije programa dvaput, program izračunava kvadratni korijen od dva broja koji su unesene od strane korisnika.


Sub ExampleGoSub
Dim iInputa As Single
Dim iInputb As Single
Dim iInputc As Single
    iInputa = Int(InputBox("Unesi prvi broj: ","NumberInput"))
    iInputb = Int(InputBox("Unesi drugi broj: ","NumberInput"))
    GoSub SquareRoot
    Print "Kvadratni korijen of";iInputa;" je";iInputc
    GoSub SquareRoot
    Print "Kvadratni korijen of";iInputa;" je";iInputc
    Exit Sub
End Sub

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