Cos Function

Racuna kosinus jednoga ugla. Ugao je izrazen u radijanima. Rezultat je u opsegu od -1 do +1.

Using the angle Alpha, the Cos function calculates the ratio of the length of the side that is adjacent to the angle, divided by the length of the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle.

Cos(Alpha) = Adjacent/Hypotenuse


Cos (Number As Double) As Double

Return value:



Number: Brojcani izraz koji predstavlja ugao u radijanima za koji zelite da izracunate kosinus.

Da bi pretvorili stepene u radijane, pomnozi stepen sa Pi/180. Da bi pretvorili radijane u stepene, pomnozi radijane sa 180/Pi.



Pi is here the fixed circle constant with the rounded value 3.14159...

Error codes:

5 Invalid procedure call


REM Slijedeci primjer dozvoljava pravouglom trouglu unos
REM sekante i ugla (u stepenima) i racuna duzinu hipotenuze:
Sub ExampleCosinus
REM zaokruzen Pi = 3.1415926...
Dim d1 As Double, dAngle As Double
    d1 = InputBox$ (""Unesite duzinu susjedne strane: ","Susjedna")
    dUgao = InputBox("Unesite ugao Alfa (u stepenima): ","Alfa")
    Print "The length of the hypotenuse is"; (d1 / cos (dAngle * Pi / 180))
End Sub

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