Dir Function

Vraca ime datoteke, direktorij, ili sve datoteke i direktorije na drajvu ili u direktoriju koji ses slaze sa specificiranim trazenim oznakama.


Dir [(PathName As String [, Attributes As Integer])]

Return value:



PathName: Any string expression that specifies the search path, directory or file. This argument can only be specified the first time that you call the Dir function. If you want, you can enter the path in URL notation.

Attributes:Any integer expression that specifies bitwise file attributes. The Dir function only returns files or directories that match the specified attributes. You can combine several attributes by adding the attribute values:

0 : Normalni dokumenti.

16 : Vraca samo ime direktorija.

Koristi ovaj atribut da projvjeri da li datoteka ili direktorij postoji, ili da utvrdi sve datoteke i foldere u odredjenom direktoriju.

Da bi ste provjerili da li fajl postoji, unesite kompletnu putanju i ime fajla. Ako fajl ili direktorij ne postoji, Dir Funkcija vraca znak duzine nula ("").

To generate a list of all existing files in a specific directory, proceed as follows: The first time you call the Dir function, specify the complete search path for the files, for example, "D:\Files\*.ods". If the path is correct and the search finds at least one file, the Dir function returns the name of the first file that matches the search path. To return additional file names that match the path, call Dir again, but with no arguments.

To return directories only, use the attribute parameter. The same applies if you want to determine the name of a volume (for example, a hard drive partition).

Error codes:

5 Invalid procedure call

53 Datoteka nije pronađena


Sub ExampleDir
REM Pokazuje sve datoteke i direktorije
Dim sPath As String
Dim sDir As String, sValue As String
    sPath = CurDir
    sValue = Dir$(sPath + getPathSeparator + "*",16)
        If sValue <> "." And sValue <> ".." Then
            If (GetAttr( sPath + getPathSeparator + sValue) And 16) >0 Then
                REM obavlja direktorije
                sDir = sDir & chr(13) & sValue
            End If
        End If
        sValue = Dir$
    Loop Until sValue = ""
    MsgBox sDir,0,sPath
End Sub

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