
Define the properties for the selected control or dialogue box. The available properties depend on the type of control selected. The following properties therefore are not available for every type of control.

Automatski popuni

Select "Yes" to enable the AutoFill function for the selected control.

Background colour

Specify the background colour for the current control.

Broj linija

Enter the number of lines to be displayed for a list control. For combo boxes, this setting is only active if the dropdown option is enabled.


Specify the default date to be shown in the Date control.

Decimalna preciznost

Specify the number of decimal places displayed for a numeric or currency control.

Drop down

Select "Yes" to enable the dropdown option for list or combo box controls. A dropdown control field has an arrow button which you can click to open a list of the existing form entries.

Format datuma

Specify the desired format for a date control. A date control interprets the user input depending on this format setting.

Glavno dugme

Select "Yes" to make the current button control the default selection. Pressing Return in the dialogue box activates the default button.


Specify the background colour for the current control.


Specify the source of the graphics for a button or an image control. Click "..." to select a file.


Insert a name for the current control. This name is used to identify the control.

Increment/decrement value

Specify the increment and decrement interval for spin button controls.


Specifies the sequence of the selected items, where "0" corresponds to the first item. To select more than one item, Multiselection must be enabled.

Click the ... button to open the Izbor dialogue box.

Click the item or items that you want to select. To select more than one item, ensure that the Multiselection option is selected.


Selektuj selekciju stanja trenutne kontrole.

Lista unosa

Specify the entries for a list control. One line takes one list entry. Press Shift+Enter to insert a new line.

Maksimalna duzina teksta

Specify the maximum number of characters that the user can enter.

Mala promjena

Specify the number of units to scroll when a user clicks an arrow on a scrollbar.

Manuelni prekid linije

Select "Yes" to allow manual line breaks inside multi-line controls.

Maska karaktera

Specify the initial values to be displayed in a pattern control. This helps the user to identify which values are allowed in a pattern control. The character mask is restricted by the format specified by the edit mask.

Moguće uređivati

Specifies whether the nodes of the tree control are editable.

The default value is FALSE.


Specify the order in which the controls receive the focus when the Tab key is pressed in the dialog. On entering a dialog, the control with the lowest order (0) receives the focus. Pressing the Tab key the successively focuses the other controls as specified by their order number.

Initially, the controls receive numbers in the order they are added to the dialogue box. You can change the order numbers for controls. LibreOffice Basic updates the order numbers automatically to avoid duplicate numbers. Controls that cannot be focussed are also assigned a value but these controls are skipped when using the Tab key.


Specify the title of the dialogue box. Click the border of the dialogue box to select the dialogue box.

Titles are only used for labelling a dialogue box and can only contain one line. Please note that if you work with macros, controls are only called through their Ime property.

Obrtno dugme

Select "Yes" to add spin buttons to a numeric, currency, date or time control to allow increasing and decreasing the input value using arrow buttons.


Specifies the delay in milliseconds between scrollbar trigger events. A trigger event occurs when you click a scrollbar arrow or click the background area in a scrollbar. Repeated trigger events occur if you keep the mouse button pressed when you click a scrollbar arrow or background area in a scrollbar. If you want, you can include valid time units with the number that you enter, for example, 2 s or 500 ms.


Scales the image to fit the control size.


Specify the orientation for a scrollbar control.


Specifies the label of the current control. The label is displayed along with the control.

You can create multi-line labels by inserting manual line breaks in the label using Shift+Enter.

Password characters

Enter a character to be displayed instead of the characters that are typed. This can be used for entering passwords in text controls.


Specify the distance of the current control from the left side of the dialogue box.


Specify the distance of the current control from the top of the dialogue box.

Pomična traka

Dodaje scrollbar tip koji specifisemo za tekst box

Pomična traka

Adds the scrollbar type that you specify to a text box.


Enter a help text that is displayed as a tip (bubble help) when the mouse rests over the control.


Repeats trigger events when you keep the mouse button pressed on a control such as a spin button.


Specify the alignment option for the selected control.

Posljednji datum

Specify the background colour for the current control.

Poziva stop editing mode

Specifies what happens when editing is interrupted by selecting another node in the tree, a change in the tree's data, or by some other means.

Setting this property to TRUE causes the changes to be automatically saved when editing is interrupted. FALSE means that editing is cancelled and changes are discarded.

The default value is FALSE.

Prefiksni simbol

Select "Yes" to display the currency symbol prefix in currency controls when a number was entered.

Prikazan je korijen

Specifies if the root node of the tree control is displayed.

If Root displayed is set to FALSE, the root node of a model is no longer a valid node for the tree control and can't be used with any method of XTreeControl.

The default value is TRUE.

Prikaži korijenske hvataljke

Specifies whether the handles of the nodes should also be displayed at root level.

The default value is TRUE.

Prikaži rukovatelje

Specifies whether the handles of the nodes should be displayed.

The handles are dotted lines that visualise the hierarchy of the tree control.

The default value is TRUE.

Progress value maximum

Specify the background colour for the current control.

Progress value minimum

Specify the background colour for the current control.

Prvi datum

Specify the background colour for the current control.

Samo za čitanje

Select "Yes" to prevent the user from editing the value of the current control. The control is enabled and can be focused but not modified.

Scroll value maximum

Specify the background colour for the current control.

Scroll value minimum

Specify the background colour for the current control.

Selektovanje više elemenata

Select "Yes" to allow the selection of multiple entries in list controls.

Simbol valute

Enter the currency symbol to be used for currency controls.

Skup znakova

Select the font to be used for displaying the contents of the current control.

Stranica (korak)

Specify the number of the dialogue box page to which the current control is assigned or the page number of the dialogue box you want to edit. If a dialogue box has only one page set its Page (Step) value to 0.

Select Page (Step) = 0 to make a control visible on every dialogue box page.

To switch between dialogue box pages at run-time, you need to create a macro that changes the value of Page (Step).

Striktni format

Select "Yes" to only allow valid characters to be entered in a numeric, currency, date or time control.


Selektuj fokus ponasanja trenutne kontrolo koristeci Tab kljuc.


Only input controls receive the focus when using the Tab key. Controls without input like caption controls are omitted.


When using the tab key focusing skips the control.


The control can be selected with the Tab key.

Thousands Separator

Select "Yes" to display thousands separator characters in numeric and currency controls.

Time Format

Select the format to be used for time controls.

Time maximum

Specify the background colour for the current control.

Time minimum

Specify the background colour for the current control.


Select "Yes" to allow a tick box to have three states (ticked, unticked and greyed out) instead of two (ticked and unticked).

URL za pomoć

Specify the help URL that is called when you press F1 while the focus is on a particular control. For example, use the format HID:1234 to call the Help-ID with the number 1234.

Set the environment variable HELP_DEBUG to 1 to view the Help-IDs as extended help tips.


Select "Yes" to enable the control. If the control is disabled, it is greyed out in the dialogue box.

Uredi masku

Specify the edit mask for a pattern control. This is a character code that defines the input format for the control.

You need to specify a masking character for each input character of the edit mask to restrict the input to the values that are listed in the following table:




A text constant. This character cannot be modified by the user.


The characters a-z can be entered here. If a capital letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a lowercase letter.


The characters A-Z can be entered here. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter


The characters a-z and 0-9 can be entered here. If a capital letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a lowercase letter.


The characters a-z and 0-9 can be entered here. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter


Only the characters 0-9 can be entered.


All printable characters can be entered.


All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is used, it is automatically converted to a capital letter.

Value maximum

Specify the background colour for the current control.

Value minimum

Specify the background colour for the current control.

Velika promjena

Specify the number of units to scroll when a user clicks in the area between the slider and the arrows on a scrollbar.

Vidljiva veličina

Specify the length of the slider of a scrollbar control.


Specify the height of the current control or the dialogue box.

Visina reda

Specifies the height of each row of a tree control, in pixels.

If the specified value is less than or equal to zero, the row height is the maximum height of all rows.

The default value is 0.

Višelinijski input

Select "Yes" to allow the input of multiple lines in the control. Press Enter to insert a manual line break in the control.


Specify the background colour for the current control.

Vrijednost klizača

Specify the initial value of a scrollbar control. This determines the position of the scrollbar slider.

Vrijednost napretka

Specify a progress value for a progress bar control.

Vrsta dugmeta

Select a button type. Button types determine what type of action is initiated.

Vrsta odabira

Specifies the selection mode that is enabled for this tree control.


Specify the width of the current control or dialogue box.


Select "Yes" to include the current control in a document's printout.

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