LibreOffice 25.2 Help
LibreOffice Basic libraries can be stored in 3 different containers:
Application Macros: libraries stored in this container are available for all users of the computer and are managed by the computer administrator. The container is located in the LibreOffice installation directory.
My Macros: libraries stored in this container are available to all documents of your user. The container is located in the user profile area and is not accessible by another user.
Document: libraries stored in the document container are only available for the document and are accessible only when the document is open. You cannot access macros of a document from another document.
To access macros stored in libraries of Application Macros or My Macros from another container, including the document container, use the GlobalScope specifier.
Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.
Kliknite Libraries tipku.
Select to where you want to attach the library in the Location list. If you select Application Macros & Dialogs, the library will belong to the LibreOffice application and will be available for all documents. If you select a document the library will be attached to this document and only available from there.
Kliknite New i unesite ime da bi kreirali novu biblioteku.
Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.
Kliknite Libraries tipku.
Select to where you want to import the library in the Location list. If you select Application Macros & Dialogs, the library will belong to the LibreOffice application and will be available for all documents. If you select a document the library will be imported to this document and only available from there.
Kliknite Append i izaberite eksternu biblioteku za dodavanje.
Izaberite sve biblioteke koje želite dodati u Append Libraries dijaloškom prozoru. Dijaloški prozor prikazuje sve biblioteke koje su sadržane u izabranoj datoteci.
Ukoliko želite unijeti biblioteku kao referencu samo označite Insert as reference (read-only) prozor za markiranje. Read-only biblioteke su potpuno funkcionalne ali se ne mogu mijenjati u Basic IDE.
Označi Replace existing libraries prozor za markiranje ukoliko želite da potojeće biblioteke istog imena budu prepisane.
Kliknite OK da dodate biblioteku.
Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.
Kliknite Libraries tipku.
In the Location list you specify where your library is stored. Select the library that you want to export. Note that you cannot export the Standard library.
Click Export...
Choose whether you want to export the library as an extension or as a BASIC library.
Klikni Ukloni.
Select where you want your library exported.
Kliknite OK da dodate biblioteku.
Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.
Kliknite Libraries tipku.
Izaberite biblioteku koju želite izbrisati sa liste.
Kliknite Obriši.
Trajno brisanje biblioteke briše sve postojeće module i prateće procedure i funkcije.
Ne možete izbrisati dodijeljenu biblioteku koja se zove "Standard".
Ako izbrišete biblioteku koja je unešena kao referenca, samo se briše referenca a ne sama biblioteka.
Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.
Kliknite Moduli opciju ili Dialogue Boxes opciju.
Izaberite biblioteku u koju će biti unesen modul i kliknite New.
Unesite ime za modul ili dijaloški prozor i kliknite OK.
Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.
Kliknite dva puta na modul koji želite preimenovati, sa pauzom između klikova. Unesite novo ime.
U Basic IDE-u, kliknite desnom tipkom na ime modula ili dijaloškog prozora u opcijama na dnu zaslona, izaberite Preimenuj i ukucajtenovo ime.
Pritisnite Enter da bi potvrdili vaše promjene.
Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.
Kliknite Moduli opciju ili Dialogue Boxes opciju.
Izaberite modul ili dijaloški prozor koji želite izbrisati sa liste. Ukoliko je potrebno, dva puta kliknite da bi otvorili pod-unose.
Kliknite Obriši.
Trajnim brisanjem modula brišete sve postojeće procedure i funkcije u tom modulu.
Otvorite sve dokumente ili šablone među kojima želite micati ili kopirati module ili dijaloške prozore.
Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.
Da bi pomjerili modul ili dijaloški prozor u drugi dokument, kliknite odgovarajući objekat u listi i prevuci ga na željenu poziciju. Horizontalna linija ukazuje na trenutnu poziciju objekta dok se povlači. Čuvajte
tipku dok povlačite da kopirate objekat umjesto da ga pomjerate.