

In Impress and Draw no dialog is shown when you click the icon, but you see eight cropping handles. Open the context menu of a selected picture and choose Crop Image, if you want to use the dialog for cropping.

Drag any of the eight cropping handles to crop the picture.




Use this area to trim or scale the selected graphic, or to add white space around the graphic.

Keep scale

Maintains the original scale of the graphic when you crop, so that only the size of the graphic changes.

Keep image size

Maintains the original size of the graphic when you crop, so that only the scale of the graphic changes. To reduce the scale of the graphic, select this option and enter negative values in the cropping boxes. To increase the scale of the graphic, enter positive values in the cropping boxes.


If the Keep Scale option is selected, enter a positive amount to trim the left edge of the graphic, or a negative amount to add white space to the left of the graphic. If the Keep image size option is selected, enter a positive amount to increase the horizontal scale of the graphic, or a negative amount to decrease the horizontal scale of the graphic.


If the Keep Scale option is selected, enter a positive amount to trim the right edge of the graphic, or a negative amount to add white space to the right of the graphic. If the Keep image size option is selected, enter a positive amount to increase the horizontal scale of the graphic, or a negative amount to decrease the horizontal scale of the graphic.


If the Keep Scale option is selected, enter a positive amount to trim the top of the graphic, or a negative amount to add white space above the graphic. If the Keep image size option is selected, enter a positive amount to increase the vertical scale of the graphic, or a negative amount to decrease the vertical scale of the graphic.


If the Keep Scale option is selected, enter a positive amount to trim the bottom of the graphic, or a negative amount to add white space below the graphic. If the Keep image size option is selected, enter a positive amount to increase the vertical scale of the graphic, or a negative amount to decrease the vertical scale of the graphic.


Changes the scale of the selected graphic.


Enter the width for the selected graphic as a percentage.


Enter the height of the selected graphic as a percentage.

Image size

Changes the size of the selected graphic.


Enter a width for the selected graphic.


Enter a height for the selected graphic.


Displays a preview of the current selection.


Returns the selected graphic to its original size.

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