Moves a numbered heading where the cursor is located, or selected headings, down one outline level. Moves a list paragraph where the cursor is located, or selected list paragraphs, down one list level.
On the Home menu of the Home tab, choose Demote Outline Level.
From the tabbed interface:
Choose Home - Demote Outline Level.
From the keyboard:
OptionAlt + Shift + Right
From the tabbed interface:
Choose Text - Demote Outline Level.
From toolbars:
Demote Outline LevelDemote
The Demote Outline Level icon is on the Bullets and Numbering bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbered heading or a list paragraph.The Demote icon is on the Outline bar, which appears when working in the outline view. This function can also be called by pressing Alt+Shift+Right Arrow.