
Amuesa órdenes pa inxertar, editar y desaniciar una tabla nun documentu de testu.

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Dende la barra de menús:

Escueyi Tabla.

Insert Table

Inxertar una tabla nueva.


Opens a submenu to insert rows and columns.


Opens a submenu to delete columns, rows and the entire table.


Opens a submenu to select cells, columns, rows and the whole table.


Opens a submenu to resize columns and rows.

Merge Cells

Combines the contents of the selected cells into a single cell, retaining the formatting of the first cell in the selection.

Split Cells

Displays the Split Cells Dialog where the split can be defined as either horizontally or vertically and the number the each cell will be split into.

Combinar tables

Combines two consecutive tables into a single table. The tables must be directly next to each other and not separated by an empty paragraph.

Estremar tabla

Estrema la tabla en dos nel puntu onde tea'l cursor. Tamién pue aportase a esti comandu faciendo clic col botón derechu del mur sobre una caxella.

Protect Cells

Prevents the contents of the selected cells from being modified.


Suprime la protección de caxelles de toles caxelles escoyíes na tabla actual.

AutoFormat Styles

Use this command to apply an AutoFormat to a selected or to define your own AutoFormats.

Number Recognition

Toggles the setting for automatically recognizing numbers or dates that you enter into a table cell, converting them from text to an appropriate number format.

Header Rows Repeat Across Pages

Repeat a table header on each new page that the table spans.

Row to Break Across Pages

Allows a page break or column break inside a row of the table. This option is not applied to the first row in a table if the Repeat Heading option is selected.


Opens a submenu to convert a text to a table or a table to text.

Edit Formula

Opens the Formula bar to create and insert calculations into a text document.


Ordena los párrafos o les fileres escoyíes alfabética o numbéricamente. Pue definir hasta trés tipos de criterios d'ordenación, y combinar los criterios numbéricos y los alfanumbéricos.


Specifies the properties of the selected table, for example, name, alignment, spacing, column width, borders, and background.

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