Crear un índiz de conteníos

La meyor mou de xenerar un índiz de conteníu ye aplicar los estilos predefiníos de párrafu de la testera, como "Testera 1", a los párrafos que deseye incluyir nel índiz de conteníu. N'aplicando estos estilos pue crear un índiz de conteníu.

Pa inxertar un índiz de materies

  1. Calque nel documentu onde deseye crear l'índiz de conteníu.

  2. Choose Insert - Table of Contents and Index - Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography, and then click the Type tab.

  3. Escueyi «Sumariu» na caxa Triba.

  4. Escueya les opciones que deseye.

  5. Calca Aceutar.

If you want to use a different paragraph style as a table of contents entry, select the Additional Styles check box in the Create from area, and then click the Assign styles button next to the check box. In the Assign Styles dialog, click the style in the Style list, and then click the index level for the selected style.


LibreOffice creates the table of contents entries based on the outline level of the paragraph style and the paragraph contents. If the paragraph is empty, it will not be included in the table of contents. To force the empty paragraph to be listed in the table of contents, manually add a space or a non breaking space to the paragraph. Spaces added in the After text box of the Numbering tab in the Heading Numbering dialog will not work for this purpose, since they are part of the paragraph numbering, not the paragraph contents.

P'anovar un índiz de materies

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