Definir entraes d'índices

Pa definir entraes d'índiz

  1. Calque sobre una pallabra o escueya les pallabres del documentu que deseye usar como entrada d'índiz.

  2. Choose Insert - Table of Contents and Index - Index Entry, and do one of the following:

Index entry dialog

Pa definir entraes d'índiz de materies

The best way to generate a table of contents is to apply the predefined “Heading N” paragraph styles, such as “Heading 1”, to the paragraphs that you want to include in your table of contents.

Pa utilizar un estilu de párrafu como entrada d'índiz de materies

  1. Escueyi Ferramientes - Numberación de títulos y calca la llingüeta Numberación.

  2. Escueya l'estilu del párrafu que deseye incluyir nel índiz de conteníu, nel cuadru Estilu de párrafu.

  3. Na llista Nivel, calca'l nivel del estilu de párrafu.

  4. Calque Aceutar. Agora pue aplicar l'estilu a les testeres del documentu ya incluyilos nel índiz de conteníu.


LibreOffice creates the table of contents entries based on the outline level of the paragraph style and the paragraph contents. If the paragraph is empty, it will not be included in the table of contents. To force the empty paragraph to be listed in the table of contents, manually add a space or a non breaking space to the paragraph. Spaces added in the After text box of the Numbering tab in the Heading Numbering dialog will not work for this purpose, since they are part of the paragraph numbering, not the paragraph contents.

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