Spotlight Character Styles

Activates spotlighting of character styles.

Spotlighting character styles allows a better control of the application of character styles in the document.

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Dende la barra de menús:

Choose Format - Spotlight - Character Formatting.

Dende la barra llateral:

Open the Styles - Character deck, mark Spotlight check box.

Character style spotlight displays the styled characters with a background color and a call-out with a unique number for each applied character style in the document. The background color and call-out number are also displayed in the corresponding character entry in the Styles deck on the sidebar.


Character styles are not given a color and call-out number until they are applied in the document.


When the extended tips features is enabled in – LibreOffice – General, a tooltip shows the style name and many attributes of the style applied.

Los atributos de formatu direutu de caráuteres son Fonte, Efeutos tipográficos, Posición, Disposición asiática, Hiperenllaz, Resaltáu y Berbesos.


Use the Spotlight Direct Character Formatting command to display character direct formatting.

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