Editar l'estilu

Opens the Paragraph Style dialog box of the current paragraph.

P'aportar a esta orde...

Dende la barra de menús:

Choose Styles - Edit Style.

Dende'l menú contestual:

Choose Paragraph - Edit Style.

Dende la interfaz con llingüetes:

Choose Home, and double click on the style name highlighted.

Dende les barres de ferramientes:

Icon Edit Style

Editar l'estilu

Col tecláu:

+ P

Dende la barra llateral:

Select the Style panel (F11), choose Paragraph Styles, open context menu of the selected style, choose Edit Style.


Afita les opciones pal estilu esbilláu.

Indents and Spacing

Sets the indenting and the spacing options for the paragraph.


Sets the alignment of the paragraph relative to the margins of page.

Fluxu de testu

Especifique les opciones de separación de pallabres y paxinación.

Asian Typography

Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose Languages and Locales - General in the Options dialog box, and then select the Asian box in the Default Languages for Documents area. The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents.

Specify the formatting and the font that you want to apply.

Efeutos tipográficos

Specify the font effects that you want to use.

Specify the position, scaling, rotation, and spacing for characters.

Asian Layout

Sets the options for double-line writing for Asian languages. Select the characters in your text, and then choose this command.

Outline & List

Adds or removes outline level, list style, and line numbering from the paragraph or paragraph style. You can also restart or modify the start number for numbered lists and line numbering.


Set the position of a tab stop in a paragraph.


Formatea la primer lletra d'un párrafu con una mayúscula grande que pue ocupar delles llinies. El párrafu tien d'espandise polos menos la cantidá de llinies indicada nel cuadru Llinies.

Area (Background, Highlighting)

Set the fill options for the selected drawing object or document element.


Set the transparency options for the fill that you apply to the selected object.


Sets the border options for the selected objects in Writer or Calc.


Equí va poder definir les condiciones de los estilos condicionaos.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.

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