
Specifies the number format for heading numbering in the current document.

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Escueyi la llingüeta Ferramientes - Numberación de títulos - Numberación


Click the outline level that you want to modify, and then specify the numbering options for the level. To apply the numbering options, except for paragraph style, to all the levels, click “1–10”.


Specify the formatting for the selected outline level.


Select the numbering scheme that you want to apply to the selected outline level.



1, 2, 3, ...

Cifres árabes

A, B, C, ...

Alphabetical numbering with uppercase letters A–Z
After item 26, numbering continues AA, AB, AC, ...

a, b, c, ...

Alphabetical numbering with lowercase letters a–z
After item 26, numbering continues aa, ab, ac, ...

I, II, III, ...

Cifres romanes en mayúscula

i, ii, iii, ...

Cifres romanes en minúscula

A,... AA,... AAA,...

Alphabetical numbering with uppercase letters A–Z
After item 26, numbering continues AA, BB, CC, ...

a,... aa,... aaa,...

Alphabetical numbering with lowercase letters a–z
After item 26, numbering continues aa, bb, cc, ...


Nengún caráuter de numberación. Namái s'amuesen al entamu de la llinia los caráuteres definíos en Separador.

Empezar en

Introduz el númberu a partir del cual entamar la numberación de títulos pal nivel esbilláu.

Estilu de párrafu

Select the paragraph style to assign to the selected outline level. If you click “None”, the selected outline level is not defined.

Estilu de caráuter

Select the character style of the numbering character.


Esbilla la cantidá de niveles del esquema pa incluyir na numberación de títulos. Esbilla 1 p'amosar namái el númberu del nivel d'esquema actual. Esbilla 3, por exemplu, p'amosar el nivel actual y los dos anteriores nel númberu del títulu.


Specify an optional text to always appear before or after the heading number.


Enter the text that you want to display before the heading number. For example, type “Chapter ” to always have “Chapter ” appear before the heading number.


Enter the text that you want to display after the heading number. For example, type . to always have the heading number end with a period.

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