
Specify properties for the selected image, frame or OLE object.

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Choose Format - Image - Properties - Options tab.

Choose Format - Frame and Object - Properties - Options tab.

Choose View - Styles - open context menu for selected Frame style - New/Edit Style - Options tab.

Choose Insert - Frame - Frame - Options tab.

Right-click selected object, choose Properties - Options tab.



Escriba un nome pal elementu escoyíu.


Asigne a un oxetu, imaxe o marcu un nome con sentíu, de mou que darréu pueda atopalo con facilidá en documentos llargos.


Enter a short description of the essential details of the selected object for a person who cannot see the object. This text is available for use by assistive technologies.

Alt Text

Enter a longer description of the object, especially if the object is too complex or contains too much detail to be described adequately with the short Text. Use Alt Text to add additional information to the short description found in Text. This text is available for use by assistive technologies.


For images, Text and Alt Text are exported with an appropriate tag in HTML and PDF format (remember to enable the Universal Accessibility (PDF/UA) option in PDF export).


Marca l'elementu como puramente decorativu, que nun forma parte del conteníu del documentu y que, poro, pueden inoralu les tecnoloxíes d'asistencia.

Sequences (frames only)

Enllaz anterior

Displays the frame that comes before the selected frame in a linked sequence. To add or change the previous link, select a name from the list. If you are linking frames, the selected frame and the target frame must be empty.

Enllaz siguiente

Displays the frame that comes after the selected frame in a linked sequence. To add or change the next link, select a name from the list. If you are a linking frames, the target frame must be empty.


Especifica les opciones de protección del elementu escoyíu.


Evita los cambeos nel conteníu del elementu escoyíu.

Entá pues copiar el conteníu del elementu escoyíu.


Afita la posición del elementu escoyíu nel documentu actual.


Afita'l tamañu del elementu escoyíu.

Content alignment (frames only)

Alliniación vertical

Specifies the vertical alignment of the frame's content. Mainly it means text content, but it also affects tables and other objects anchored to the text area (anchored as character, to character or to paragraph), for example frames, graphics or drawings.


Esta área contién les opciones que protexen a imaxes, marcos y oxetos y eviten cambeos involuntarios.

Pue editase en documentos de solo llectura (solu marcos)

Dexa editar el conteníu d'un marcu nun documentu que ye de namái llectura (protexíu contra escritura).


Inclúi l'elementu escoyíu al imprentar el documentu.

Text direction (frames only)

Especifica la direición preferida del fluxu de testu nun marcu. Pa usar la configuración predeterminada del fluxu de testu de la páxina, escueya la opción Utilizar la configuración del oxetu cimeru..

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