Ayuda de LibreOffice 25.2
Specify the way you want text to wrap around an object. You can also specify the spacing between the text and the object.
P'axustar testu alredor d'una tabla, coloque la tabla nun marcu y de siguío axuste'l testu alredor del marcu.
Places the object on a separate line in the document. The Text in the document appears above and below the object, but not on the sides of the object.
Wraps text on the left side of the object if there is enough space.
Wraps text on the right side of the object if there is enough space.
Wraps text on all four sides of the border frame of the object.
Places the object in front of the text.
Automatically wraps text to the left, to the right, or on all four sides of the border frame of the object. If the distance between the object and the page margin is less than 2 cm, the text is not wrapped.
Especifique les opciones d'axuste del testu.
Starts a new paragraph below the object after you press Enter. The space between the paragraphs is determined by the size of the object.
Moves the selected object to the background. This option is only available if you selected the Through wrap type.
Wraps text around the shape of the object. This option is not available for the Through wrap type, or for frames. To change the contour of an object, select the object, and then choose Format - Wrap - Edit Contour.
Afai'l testu namái alredor de la contorna del oxetu y non en zones abiertes dientro del oxetu. Esta opción nun ta disponible nos marcos.
Specifies whether the object is allowed to overlap another object. This option has no effect on wrap through objects, which can always overlap.
Determina la cantidá d'espaciu llibre ente l'oxetu escoyíu y el testu.
Escriba la cantidá d'espaciu que deseye qu'haya ente'l borde esquierdu del oxetu y el testu.
Escriba la cantidá d'espaciu que deseye qu'haya ente'l borde derechu del oxetu y el testu.
Escriba la cantidá d'espaciu que deseye qu'haya ente'l borde cimeru del oxetu y el testu.
Escriba la cantidá d'espaciu que deseye qu'haya ente'l borde inferior del oxetu y el testu.