
Equí va atopar símbolos pa inxertar operadores, símbolos, funciones y posibilidaes de formatu disponibles.

Dalgunos exemplos demuestren l'algame de les operaciones.

La ventana d'escoyeta ta estremada en dos árees. Si calques na parte cimera de la ventana sobre un símbolu, na área inferior van amosase los correspondientes subsímbolos.

Nel menú contestual na ventana Comandos amuésase la seleición clasificada en submenús.

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Escoyer Ver - Elementos de les fórmules

Operadores unarios/binarios

You can choose various unary and binary operators to build your LibreOffice Math formula. Unary refers to operators that affect one placeholder. Binary refers to operators that connect two placeholders. The lower area of the Elements pane displays the individual operators. The context menu of the Commands window also contains a list of these operators, as well as additional operators. If you need an operator that is not contained in the Elements pane, use the context menu or type it directly in the Commands window.


You can choose among various relations to structure your LibreOffice Math formula. The relation functions are displayed in the lower part of the Elements pane. The list is also in the context menu of the Commands window. All relations that are not contained in the Elements pane or in the context menu can be typed manually in the Commands window.

Operadores de conxuntos

Assign different set operators to the characters in your LibreOffice Math formula. The individual operators are shown in the lower section of the Elements pane. Call the context menu in the Commands window to see an identical list of the individual functions. Any operators not found in the Elements pane have to be entered directly in the Commands window. You can also directly insert other parts of the formula even if symbols already exist for them.


Choose a function in the lower part of the Elements pane. These functions are also listed in the context menu of the Commands window. Any functions not contained in the Elements pane need to be typed manually in the Commands window.


You can choose among various operators to structure your LibreOffice Math formula. All available operators appear in the lower part of the Elements pane. They are also listed in the context menu of the Commands window. All operators not contained in the Elements pane or in the context menu must be typed manually in the Commands window.


You can choose from various attributes for LibreOffice Math formulas. Some attributes are displayed in the lower part of the Elements pane. These attributes are also listed in the context menu of the Commands window. All attributes not contained in the Elements pane or in the context menu must be typed manually in the Commands window.


You can choose among various bracket types to structure a LibreOffice Math formula. Bracket types are displayed in the lower part of the Elements pane. These brackets are also listed in the context menu of the Commands window. All brackets that are not contained in the Elements pane or in the context menu can be typed manually in the Commands window.


You can choose among various options for formatting a LibreOffice Math formula. The format options are displayed in the lower part of the Elements pane. These options are also listed in the context menu of the Commands window.


Amuesa diversos símbolos matemáticos.

Exemplos de LibreOffice Math

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Tables de referencia pa les fórmules

Esta seición de referencia contién llistes de munchos operadores, símbolos, funciones y carauterístiques de formatéu disponibles en LibreOffice Math. Munchos de los comandos que s'amuesen puen inxertase por aciu los iconos de la ventana Elementos o dende'l menú contestual de la ventana Comandos.

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