
This menu provides slide management and navigation commands.

New Slide

Inserts a slide after the currently selected slide.

Duplicate Slide

Creates a copy of the currently selected slide.

Insert Slide from File

Puen inxertase diapositives d'otra presentación na presentación actual. Tamién puen copiase y apegar diapositives d'unes presentaciones a otres.


Opens a submenu with slide layouts.

Delete Slide

Deletes the selected slide(s).

Save Background Image

If the slide has a background image, this option allows the user to save the corresponding background image file.

Set Background Image

Opens a File Picker to choose an image file to be set as the background of the current slide.

Propiedaes de la diapositiva

Sets slide orientation, slide margins, background and other layout options.

Change Slide Master

Displays the Available Master Slides dialog, where you can select a layout scheme for the current slide. Any objects in the slide design are inserted behind objects in the current slide.

New Master

Creates a new Master Slide. This function is only available in Master View.


To enter the Master View, go to View - Master Slide. To exit the Master View, go to View - Normal.

Delete Master

Deletes the currently selected Master Slide. This function is only available in Master View

Master Background

This option allows to show or hide the background image defined in the master slide.

Master Objects

This option allows to show or hide objects defined in the master slide.

Master Elements

Displays a dialog box where the following elements from the master slide can be enabled or disabled:

Show Slide

If a slide is hidden, this function makes it visible again.

Hide Slide

If a slide is visible, this function hides it.

Rename Slide

Opens a dialog box where a name can be set for the current slide.

Jump to Last Edited Slide

Navigates to the last edited slide in the document.


Shows a list of move operations that can be applied to the current slide:


Shows a list of functions that can be used to navigate through the slides:

Páxina resumen

Crea una diapositiva nueva que contién una llista non ordenada formada colos títulos de les diapositives posteriores a la diapositiva esbillada. La diapositiva de resume inxértase enantes de la postrera.

Ampliar diapositiva

Crea una diapositiva en cada puntu d'esquema de nivel cimeru (testu asitiáu un nivel per debaxo del testu de títulu na xerarquía d'esquemes) na diapositiva escoyida. El testu del esquema pasa a ser el títulu de la nueva diapositiva. Los puntos del esquema asitiaos debaxo del nivel cimeru na diapositiva orixinal treslládense un nivel escontra riba na diapositiva nueva.

Transición de diapositives

Defines the special effect that plays when you display a slide during a slide show.

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