Slide Show Settings

Defines settings for your slide show, including how to display it, which slide to start from, the way you advance the slides, and whether you want to use the presenter console or control it remotely.

P'aportar a esta orde...

Dende la barra de menús:

Choose Slide Show - Slide Show Settings.

Dende la interfaz con llingüetes:

Choose Slide Show - Slide Show Settings.

Presentation Dialog


Especifica qué diapositives se deben incluyir na presentación.

Toles diapositives

Contien toles diapositives de la presentación.

A partir de:

Escriba'l númberu de la diapositiva d'entamu.

Presentación personalizada

Executa una presentación personalizada nel orde definíu en Presentación - Presentación personalizada.

Presentation Mode

Escueya'l tipu de presentación.

Pantalla completa

Apaez una diapositiva de pantalla completa.

In a window

La presentación executar na ventana del programa LibreOffice.

Loop and repeat after

Reinicia la presentación tres la posa que s'especifique. Apaez una diapositiva de posa ente la diapositiva final y l'inicial. Calque la tecla Esc pa detener la presentación.

Duración de la posa

Introduza la duración de la posa enantes de repitir la presentación. Si especifica cero, la presentación reiníciase darréu ensin amosar una diapositiva de posa.

Amosar logotipu

Amuesa'l logotipu de LibreOffice na diapositiva de posa. El logotipu nun pue intercambiase.

Presentation Options

Disable automatic change of slide

Les diapositives nunca camuden automáticamente si escueye esti cuadru.

Transición de dia. calcando fondu

Avanza a la siguiente diapositiva cuando se fai clic no fondero d'una diapositiva.

Punteru del mur visible

Amuesa'l punteru del mur mientres una presentación.

Punteru del mur como lápiz

Convierte'l punteru del mur nun bolígrafu que pue usase pa dibuxar nes diapositives mientres la presentación.


Anything you write with the pen will appear in your slides after exiting the slideshow. The properties of the pen can be changed by choosing the Pen Thickness or Change pen Color command in the context menu of the running slide show.

Enable animated images

Amuesa toles imaxes de ficheros GIF animaos mientres la presentación. Si nun s'escueye esta opción, namái s'amuesa la primer imaxe del ficheru GIF animáu.

Keep presentation always on top

La ventana de LibreOffice permanez na parte cimera de la ventana mientres la presentación. Nun se va amosar la ventana de nengún otru programa delantre de la presentación.

Live-mode slideshow editing

When this box is checked the Impress main document window remains active during the presentation. Users can continue to edit slide content. Changes will be reflected in the running slideshow.


By default the primary display is used for slide show mode. If the current desktop is displayed on more than one display, you can select which display to use for full screen slide show mode. If the current desktop spans only one display, or if the multi display feature is not supported on the current system, you cannot select another display.


Estos axustes guárdense na configuración d'usuariu y non nel documentu.

Presentation display

Select a display to use for full screen slide show mode.

If the system allows the user to span a window over all available displays, you can also select "All displays". In this case the presentation is spanned over all available displays.

Presenter console

The Presenter console provides extra controls and tools useful to the presenter. You can choose to use it in windowed or full screen mode, or disable it entirely.

Show navigation bar

The navigation bar allows the presenter to control the presentation with buttons at the bottom left of the screen, either with the mouse pointer or directly on display if a touch screen is used.

Button size

Select the size of the buttons in the navigation bar from the dropdown.

Remote control

Enable remote control

Specifies that you want to enable Bluetooth remote control while Impress is running. Unmark Enable remote control to disable remote controlling.

Baxar l'aplicación

A link directs you to the available options to install the application on your device.

Enable insecure WiFi connections

If this box is checked, LibreOffice Impress enables insecure and unencrypted connections via IP on all interfaces.

You can only enable insecure WiFi connections if remote control is enabled.


Enabling insecure WiFi connections is not recommended in public settings.

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