Detrás del oxetu

Camuda l'orde de la pila moviendo l'oxetu escoyíu detrás d'un oxetu qu'especifique. L'allugamientu en pantalla del oxetu escoyíu nun camuda.

P'aportar a esta orde...

Dende la barra de menús:

Choose Shape - Arrange - Behind Object

Dende'l menú contestual:

Choose Arrange - Behind Object

Dende la interfaz con llingüetes:

Choose Home - Arrange - Behind Object.

Dende les barres de ferramientes:

Icon Behind Object

Detrás del oxetu

Select the object(s) that you want to move behind another object. Right-click and choose Arrange - Behind Object, and then click an object in your slide.


Arranging objects affects the stacking order of all objects in your document.

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