Expert Configuration

Opens the Expert Configuration dialog for advanced settings and configuration of LibreOffice. The Expert Configuration dialog allows user to access hundreds of LibreOffice configuration preferences, and most of them are not available in the user interface or in the options dialogs.


The Expert Configuration dialog lets you access, edit and save configuration preferences that can harm your LibreOffice user profile. It can turn the user profile of LibreOffice unstable, inconsistent or even unusable. Proceed only if you know what you are doing.

P'aportar a esta orde...

Dende la barra de menús:

Choose - LibreOffice - Advanced - Open Expert Configuration.

Dende la interfaz con llingüetes:

On the Tools tab click on the Options button, then LibreOffice - Advanced - Open Expert Configuration.


The expert configuration does not modify the LibreOffice system installation in your computer.

Text search entry area

Type the preference you want to display in the text area. Then click in the Search button.

Search button

Click to search your preference text in the Preferences tree.

Preferences tree

List the preferences organized hierarchically in a tree layout. To open the branches, double click in the (+) sign. Once the preference is visible in the tree, you can edit it.

Preference Name

The name of the preference.


Amuesa'l nome de la propiedá de la preferencia.


Defines the type of the property. Valid types are:


El valor actual de la propiedá.


Abre un diálogu pa editar la preferencia.


Calca dos vegaes sobro la fila de la preferencia pa editar la cadena o valor llargu actual o alternar ente tribes booleanes.


Undo changes done so far in this dialog.

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