Ayuda de LibreOffice 25.2
Defines the appearance of changes in the document.
To record or show changes in your text or spreadsheet document, choose Edit - Track Changes - Record or Edit - Track Changes - Show.
Define la configuración de visualización de los cambeos rexistraos. Escueye'l tipu de cambéu y l'atributu y color de visualización correspondientes. El campu de vista previa amuesa l'efeutu de les opciones de visualización escoyíes.
Specifies how changes in the document are displayed when text is inserted.
Specifies how changes in the document are displayed when text is deleted. If you record text deletions, the text is displayed with the selected attribute (for example, strikethrough) and is not deleted.
Defines how changes to text attributes are displayed in the document. These changes affect attributes such as bold, italic or underline.
You can also choose a color to display each type of recorded change. When you choose the condition "By author" in the list, the color is automatically determined by LibreOffice, then modified to match to the author of each change.
Pa indicar qué llinies del testu modificáronse pue establecer qu'apaeza una marca nel marxe esquierdu o derechu de la páxina.
Defines if and where changed lines in the document are marked. You can set the markings so that they always appear on the left or right page margin, or on the outer or inner margin.
Specifies the color for highlighting the changed lines in the text.