Barra de ferramientes Diseñu de formularios

La barra de ferramientes Diseñu de formularios apaez cuando s'escueye un oxetu de formulariu al trabayar nel mou diseñu.


Dexa alternar ente les opciones d'anclaxe.

Icon Anchor



Modifica l'alliniación de los oxetos escoyíos.



Bring to Front

Moves the selected object to the top of the stacking order, so that it is in front of other objects.

Icon Bring to Front

Traer al frente

Send to Back

Moves the selected object to the bottom of the stacking order, so that it is behind the other objects.

Icon Send to Back

Unviar al fondu


Iconu Esbillar

Esti iconu camuda'l punteru del mur al mou d'esbilla o lu desactiva. El mou d'esbilla úsase pa escoyer los controles del formulariu actual.

Design Mode

Toggles the Design mode on or off. This function is used to switch quickly between Design and User mode. Activate to edit the form controls, deactivate to use the form controls.

Icon Design Mode

Design Mode On/Off

Propiedaes del control

Abre un diálogu pa editar les propiedaes d'un control esbilláu.

Icon Control

Control Properties

Propiedaes del formulariu

In this dialog you can specify, among others, the data source and the events for the whole form.

Iconu Propiedaes del formulariu

Propiedaes del formulariu

Data Navigator

Specifies the data structure of the current XForms document.

Navegador de formulariu

Abre'l diálogu Navegador de formulariu. El Navegador de formulariu amuesa tolos formularios y soformularios del documentu actual colos sos respectivos controles.

Icon Form Navigator

Navegador del formulariu

Amestar un campu

Abre una ventana onde se pue selecccionar el campu de la base de datos pa ser amestáu al formulariu o reporte.

Icon Add Field

Amestar campu

Activation Order

Opens the Tab Order dialog so you can modify the order in which control fields get the focus when the user presses the tab key.

Icon Activation Order

Secuencia d'activación

Abrir en mou diseñu

Opens forms in Design Mode so that the form can be edited.

Icon Open in Design Mode

Abrir en mou Diseñu

Automatic Control Focus


If Automatic Control Focus is activated, the first form control will be selected when you open the document. If the button is not activated, the text will be selected after opening. The Tab Order that you have specified determines which is the first form control.

Posición y tamañu

Resizes, moves, rotates, or slants the selected object.

Iconu Posición y tamañu

Posición y tamañu

Display Grid

Enables or disables the grid.

Icon Display Grid

Display Grid

Usar cuadrícula

Specifies whether to move frames, drawing elements, and controls only between grid points. To change the status of the snap grip only for the current action, drag an object while holding down the .

Icon Snap to Grid

Snap to Grid

Guíes al mover

Specifies whether to display guides when moving an object.

Icon Helplines While Moving

Guíes al mover

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