Barra Diseñu de consulta

Al crear o editar una consulta SQL, utilice los iconos de la barra Diseñu de consultes pa controlar la visualización de datos.

Según tenga fecho la consulta o vista na llingüeta Diseñu o en SQL van amosase los símbolos siguientes:


Executa la consulta SQL y amuesa la so resultancia. La función Executar nun guarda la consulta.

Run Query Icon


Desaniciar consulta

Desanicia la consulta y quita toles tables de la ventana de diseñu.

Clear Query Icon

Desaniciar la consulta

Switch Design View On/Off

Amuesa la vista de Diseñu o SQL de la consulta.

 Switch Design View On/Off Icon

Switch Design View On/Off

Amestar tables

Specifies the tables to be inserted into the design window. In the Add Tables dialog, select the tables you need for your current task.

Add Table Icon

Amestar tabla...


Displays the Function row in the lower part of the design view of the Query Design window.

Functions Icon


Nome de la tabla

Displays the Table row in the lower part of the Query Design.

Table Name Icon

Nome de la tabla


Displays the Alias row in the lower part of the Query Design.

Alias Icon


Valores unívocos

Expands the created select statement of the SQL Query in the current column by the parameter DISTINCT. The consequence is that identical values occurring multiple times are listed only once.

Distinct Values Icon

Valores distintos

El siguiente iconu ta na llingüeta SQL:

Executar direutamente orde SQL

In Native SQL mode you can enter SQL commands that are not interpreted by LibreOffice, but are instead passed directly to the data source. If you do not display these changes in the design view, you cannot change back to the design view.

Run SQL command directly Icon

Executar direutamente orde SQL

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