
Al escoyer un oxetu Fontwork, ábrese la barra de ferramientes Fontwork.

Galería de Fontwork

Icon Fontwork Gallery

Opens the Fontwork Gallery where you can select another preview. Click OK to apply the new set of properties to your Fontwork object.

Forma de Fontwork

Icon Fontwork Shape

Abre la barra de ferramientes Forma de Fontwork. Faiga clic nuna forma p'aplicala a tolos oxetos Fontwork escoyíos.

Mesmu altu de lletres de Fontwork

Icon Fontwork Same Letter Height

Camuda l'altu normal de les lletres de los oxetos Fontwork escoyíos al mesmu altu pa tolos oxetos.

Alliniación de Fontwork

Icon Fontwork Alignment

Abre la ventana Alliniación de Fontwork.

Click to apply the alignment to the selected Fontwork objects.

Espaciu ente caráuteres de Fontwork

Icon Fontwork Character Spacing

Select the character spacing values to apply to the Fontwork object.

Custom: Opens the Fontwork Character Spacing dialog where you can enter a new character spacing value.

Value: enter the Fontwork character spacing value.

Toggle Extrusion

Icon Toggle Extrusion

Switches the 3D effects on and off for the Fontwork objects.

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