Asistente pa formularios - Escueya una base de datos

On this page of the Form Wizard, you can specify the table or query that you need to create the form as well as the fields that you want to include in the form.

P'aportar a esta orde...

Faiga clic en Usar l'asistente pa crear un formulariu na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos.

Tables o consultes

Specifies the table or query that you want to create the form for.

Campos disponibles

Lists the names of the data base fields in the selected table or query. Click to select a field or hold down the Shift or the key while you click to select more than one field.


Click to move the selected field(s) to the box that the arrow is pointing to.


Click to move all fields to the box that the arrow is pointing to.


Click to move the selected field(s) to the box that the arrow is pointing to.


Click to move all fields to the box that the arrow is pointing to.


Faiga clic pa mover el campu escoyíu una entrada escontra riba na llista.


Faiga clic pa mover el campu escoyíu una entrada escontra baxo na llista.

Campos de la forma

Displays the fields that are in the new form.

Más información sobre Asistente pa formularios - Ver

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