Ayuda de LibreOffice 24.8
This icon on the Image bar opens the Image Filter bar, where you can use various filters on the selected picture.
Invierte los valores de color d'una imaxe en color o los del rellumu d'una imaxe n'escala de grises.
Softens or blurs the image by applying a low pass filter.
Aumenta la nitidez d'una imaxe aplicando un filtru d'alta frecuencia.
Quita'l ruiu de la imaxe aplicando un filtru por aciu.
Quitar ruiu
Opens a dialog for defining solarization. Solarization refers to an effect that looks like what can happen when there is too much light during photo development. The colors become partly inverted.
Especifica'l tipu y el grau de solarización.
Especifica'l grau porcentual de rellumu percima del cual débense solarizar los píxeles.
Especifica si los píxeles tamién se deben invertir.
All pixels are set to their gray values, and then the green and blue color channels are reduced by the amount you specify. The red color channel is not changed.
Define la intensidá del avieyamientu, en porcentaxes. A 0% va ver los valores de gris de tolos pixeles. Y en 100% namái permanez la canal de color coloráu.
Opens a dialog to determine the number of poster colors. This effect is based on the reduction of the number of colors. It makes photos look like paintings.
Especifica'l númberu de colores a los que se va amenorgar la imaxe.
Converts an image to a pop-art format.
Pop art
Displays the image as a charcoal sketch. The contours of the image are drawn in black, and the original colors are suppressed.
Dibuxu al carbón
Displays a dialog for creating reliefs. You can choose the position of the imaginary light source that determines the type of shadow created, and how the graphic image looks in relief.
Especifica la posición de la fonte de lluz. La fonte de lluz ta representada por un puntu.
Joins small groups of pixels into rectangular areas of the same color. The larger the individual rectangles are, the fewer details the graphic image has.
Determina'l númberu de píxeles que se deben combinar en rectángulos.
Define l'anchu de les pieces del mosaicu.
Define l'altor de les pieces del mosaicu.
Resalta o destaca les arestes del oxetu.