Esbillar un certificáu

Select the certificate that you want to digitally sign the current document with.

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Dende la barra de menús:

Escueyi Ficheru - Robles dixitales - Robles dixitales.

Choose File - Properties - General tab, click Digital Signatures button.

Choose Tools - Macros - Digital Signature.

Dende la interfaz con llingüetes:

Escueyi Ficheru - Robles dixitales.

Dende les barres de ferramientes:

Iconu Robles dixitales

Robla dixital

Dende la barra d'estáu:

Click the Signature field on the Status bar.

Tocante a les robles dixitales


Select the certificate that you want to digitally sign the current document with.

Ver certificáu

Opens the View Certificate dialog where you can examine the selected certificate.


Type a purpose for the signature.

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