Ayuda de LibreOffice 25.2
Simple tool for putting text along a curve without any fancy effects.
dialog is meant for making text follow a curve. Draw a curve, double-click it and type text into it. With the curve selected, you can now activate the command.Pues facer qu'un testu siga cualisquier forma. La mayoría de les formes personalizaes disponibles na barra de ferramientes Dibuxu tienen de convertise a un tipu distintu primero que puedas usales cola ferramienta Convertir - En curva/polígonu/contornu. Si deseyes, pues agora copiar y apegar la forma convertida nel Writer pal so usu con . Les formes nes barres Círculos y óvalos heredaos y Rectángulos heredaos nun precisen convertise. L'Arcu incluyíu nes formes básiques tamién ye una forma heredada.
. Nel Impress o'l Draw, calca col botón derechu del mur sobro la forma y escueyiRemoves baseline formatting.
Baseline Off
Uses the top or the bottom edge of the selected object as the text baseline.
Uses the top or the bottom edge of the selected object as the text baseline and preserves the original vertical alignment of the individual characters.
Horizontally slants the characters in the text object.
Slant Horizontal
Vertically slants the characters in the text object.
Slant Vertical
Reverses the text flow direction, and flips the text horizontally or vertically. To use this command, you must first apply a different baseline to the text.
Aligns the text to the left end of the text baseline.
Alliniar a la izquierda
Centers the text on the text baseline.
Alliniar al centru
Aligns the text to the right end of the text baseline.
Alliniar a la derecha
Resizes the text to fit the length of the text baseline.
AutoSize Text
Enter the amount of space that you want to leave between the text baseline and the base of the individual characters.
Enter the amount of space to leave between the beginning of the text baseline, and the beginning of the text.
Shows or hides the text baseline, or the edges of the selected object.
Shows or hides the borders of the individual characters in the text.
Contornu del testu
Removes the shadow effects that you applied to the text.
Ensin solombra
Adds a shadow to the text in the selected object. Click this button, and then enter the dimensions of the shadow in the Distance X and the Distance Y boxes.
Amestar solombra al testu
Adds a slant shadow to the text in the selected object. Click this button, and then enter the dimensions of the shadow in the Distance X and the Distance Y boxes.
Slant Text Shadow
Enter the horizontal distance between the text characters and the edge of the shadow or the angle of the shadow slant from vertical.
X Distance or Shadow Angle
Enter the vertical distance between the text characters and the edge of the shadow, or the size of the shadow in percent values of the character size.
Y Distance or Shadow Size
Select a color for the text shadow.