Ayuda de LibreOffice 24.8
Contains descriptive information about the document.
LibreOffice almite'l Conxuntu d'Elementos de Metadatos Dublin Core, un estándar usáu pa describir documentos físicos y electrónicos.
Títulu, Asuntu y Pallabres clave espórtense a los ficheros PDF como propiedaes de documentu PDF. Los valores que s'introduzan van apaecer nos campos correspondientes de la descripción de propiedaes del documentu PDF.
Pon-y un títulu al documentu.
Definición de la DCMI: un nome dáu al recursu.
Enter a subject for the document. You can use a subject to group documents with similar contents.
DCMI Definition: The topic of the resource.
Enter the words that you want to use to index the content of your document. Keywords must be separated by commas. A keyword can contain white space characters or semicolons.
Introduz los nomes de les persones, organizaciones o otres entidaes que fixeron contribuciones al documentu. Por exemplu, los nomes de los autores del documentu o de los miembros del equipu que-y amestaron datos.
DCMI Definition: An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource.
Enter the time, place, or jurisdiction that the document is relevant to. For example, a range of dates, a place, or an institution that the document applies to.
DCMI Definition: The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant.
Enter a unique and unambiguous identifier for the document. For example, a document number or ISBN.
DCMI Definition: An unambiguous reference to the document within a specific context.
Enter the name of the entity that is making the document available. For example, a company, university, or government body.
DCMI Definition: An entity responsible for making the resource available.
Enter information about resources related to the document. For example, a set of volumes the document is part of, or the document's edition number.
Definición de la DCMI: un recursu rellacionáu.
Enter information intellectual property rights associated with the document. For example, a copyright statement, or information about who has permission to access the document.
DCMI Definition: Information about rights held in and over the resource.
Enter information about other resources from which the document is derived. For example, the name or identifier of a hard copy that the document was scanned from, or a url that the document was downloaded from.
DCMI Definition: A related resource from which the described resource is derived.
Enter information about the category or format of the document. For example, whether the document is a text document, image, or multimedia presentation.
DCMI Definition: The nature or genre of the resource.
Enter comments to help identify the document.