This menu allows you to insert elements, such as graphics and guides, into Draw documents.
Opens a file selection dialog to insert an image into the current document.
Inserts a chart based on data from a cell or table range or with default data.
Inserts a new table into the current slidepage.
The submenu presents various sources that an image, audio or video can be insert from.
Inserts an embedded or linked object into your document, including formulas, QR codes, and OLE objects.
Inxerta un puntu o una llinia d'axuste (tamién llamada guía) que pue usase p'alliniar oxetos con rapidez.
Inxerta una capa nueva o modifica una esistente nel documentu. Les capes solo tán disponibles nel Draw, non nel Impress.
Caxa de testu
Inxertar una caxa de testu
Inserts a comment around the selected text, presentation slide, drawing page or at the current spreadsheet cursor position.
Inserts a floating frame into the current document. Floating frames are used in HTML documents to display the contents of another file.
Pues usar Fontwork pa crear oxetos gráficos d'arte en testu.
Opens a dialog that enables you to edit hyperlinks.
Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.
Opens a submenu to insert special formatting marks like no-break space, soft hyphen, and zero-width space.
Númberu de páxina
Insert a text box with the current page number.
Llista los campos habituales que pue inxertar na páxina.
This submenu contains form controls like a textbox, checkbox, option button, and listbox that can be inserted into the document.