Ayuda de LibreOffice 25.2
Inxerta una capa nueva o modifica una esistente nel documentu. Les capes solo tán disponibles nel Draw, non nel Impress.
To select a layer, click the corresponding tab at the bottom of the workspace.
Enter a name for the new layer. To rename the layer, enter the new name.
Los nomes de capa siguientes úsense internamente y nun se puen afitar nin modificar: layout, background, backgroundobjects, controls, measurelines.
Les capes layout, controls y measurelines son visibles na vista normal y correspuenden a les capes predefiníes Composición, Controles y Llinies de cota, respeutivamente.
La capa backgroundobjects ye visible na vista maestra col nome Oxetos nel fondu.
La capa background nunca ye visible y nun ta pensada pa usase.
To rename the layer directly, right-click the layer tab at the bottom, select
in the context menu and enter the new name in the tab.Enter the title of the layer.
Enter a description of the layer.
Afita les propiedaes de la capa.
Show or hide the layer.
When printing, print or ignore this particular layer.
Prevent elements on the layer from being edited.