Ayuda de LibreOffice 25.2
Una «consulta» ye una visualización especial d'una tabla. Les consultes puen amosar determinaos rexistros o campos de los rexistros y, si ye necesario, puen ordenar estos rexistros. Una consulta pue aplicase a una tabla o a delles, si s'enllacen per aciu de campos de datos en común.
Use queries to find records from data tables based on certain criteria. All queries created for a database are listed under the Queries entry. Since this entry contains the database queries, it is also called the "query container".
Pa imprentar una consulta o una tabla:
Open a text document (or a spreadsheet document if you prefer the specific printing functions of this type of document).
Open the database file and click the Table icon if you want to print a table, or click the Query icon if you want to print a query.
Drag the name of the table or query into the open text document or spreadsheet. The dialog Insert Database Columns opens.
Decide which columns = data fields you want to include. You can also click the AutoFormat button and select a corresponding formatting type. Close the dialog.
The query or table will be inserted into your document.
Print the document by choosing File - Print.
You can also open the data source view (Ctrl+Shift+F4), select the entire database table in the data source view (click on the top left corner of the table), and then drag the selection to a text document or spreadsheet.
Allows you to sort and filter the data in a query table.
With the Query Design, you can create and edit a query or view.
The query result can contain data from several tables if these are linked to each other by suitable data fields.
You can find out which operators and commands can be used to formulate the filter conditions for a query.
You can perform calculations with the data of a table and store the results as a query result.