NÚM.SELMANA calcula'l númberu de selmana del añu pal valor de fecha internu.


L'Estándar Internacional ISO 8601 decretó que'l llunes va ser el primer día de la selmana. Una selmana que s'atopa en parte nun añu y, en parte d'otru asígnase-y un númberu nel añu nel que la mayor parte de los sos díes tien. Esto significa que'l númberu de selmana 1 de cualquier añu ye la selmana que contién el 4 de Xineru.


Esta función ta disponible dende la versión 5.1 de LibreOffice.


This function is part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) standard Version 1.2. (ISO/IEC 26300:2-2015)



El númberu correspuende al númberu internu de la fecha.


When entering dates as part of formulas, slashes or dashes used as date separators are interpreted as arithmetic operators. Therefore, dates entered in this format are not recognized as dates and result in erroneous calculations. To keep dates from being interpreted as parts of formulas use the DATE function, for example, DATE(1954;7;20), or place the date in quotation marks and use the ISO 8601 notation, for example, "1954-07-20". Avoid using locale dependent date formats such as "07/20/54", the calculation may produce errors if the document is loaded under different locale settings.


Unambiguous conversion is possible for ISO 8601 dates and times in their extended formats with separators. If a #VALUE! error occurs, then unselect Generate #VALUE! error in - LibreOffice Calc - Formula, button Details... in section "Detailed Calculation Settings", Conversion from text to number list box.


=ISOWEEKNUM(DATE(1995;1;1)) returns 52. Week 1 starts on Monday, 1995-01-02.

=ISOWEEKNUM(DATE(1999;1;1)) returns 53. Week 1 starts on Monday, 1999-01-04.

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