Databar More Options

Entry Values


Set the minimum value for which the data bar does not start filling.


Set the maximum value for which the data bar gets completely filled.

The options for setting the minimum and maximum values are:

Colores de la barra


Set the color for positive values. It is set to blue be default.


Set the color for negative values. It is set to red by default.


Choose between color and gradient for the fill.


Posición de la exa vertical:

Set the position of vertical axis in the cell.

Color de la exa vertical:

Choose the color of the vertical axis.

Llonxitúes de barres

Minimum bar length (%):

Set the minimum length of the data bar in percentage with respect to the cell length.

Maximum bar length (%):

Set the maximum length of the data bar in percentage with respect to the cell length.

Amosar namái la barra

Only databar is shown. Value becomes hidden.

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