Add-in Functions

The following describes and lists some of the available add-in functions.

Conceutu Add-in

You will also find a description of the LibreOffice Calc add-in interface in the Help. In addition, important functions and their parameters are described in the Help for the .

Les Add-ins suministraes

LibreOffice contién exemplos de la interfaz de Add-in de LibreOffice Calc.

Funciones d'analises, primer parte

Funciones d'analises, segunda parte


Calcula'l númberu de díes del mes que coinciden cola fecha especificada.



Fecha ye cualquier día nun mes respectivu d'un añu deseyáu. El parámetru Fecha ten de ser una fecha válida acordies coles configuraciones locales del LibreOffice.


=DÍASENMES(A1) devuelve 29 díes si A1 contién 1968-02-17, una fecha valida pa Febreru de 1968.

Información téunica

This function is not part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3. Part 4: Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format standard. The name space is




Calcula'l númberu de díes del añu que coinciden cola fecha especificada.



Fecha ye cualquier fecha nel añu respectivu. El parámetru Fecha ten de ser una fecha válida d'alcuerdu a les configuraciones locales del LibreOffice.


=DÍASENAÑO(A1) devuelve 366 díes si A1 contién 1968-02-29, la fecha valida pal añu ye 1968.

Información téunica

This function is not part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3. Part 4: Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format standard. The name space is




Determina si un añu ye bisiestu. En casu afirmativu, la función devuelve'l valor 1 (VERDADERU); en casu negativu, devuelve 0 (FALSU).



Date specifies whether a given date falls within a leap year. The Date parameter must be a valid date.


Microsoft Excel wrongly assumes year 1900 to be a leap year and considers the inexistent day of 1900-02-29 as valid in date calculations. Dates prior to 1900-03-01 are therefore different in Excel and Calc.


=ESAÑOBISIESTO(A1) devuelve 1, si A1 contién 1968-02-29, va ser el formatu del to llocalización nesti casu la fecha valida de 29 de Febreru de 1968.

You may also use =ISLEAPYEAR(DATE(1968;2;29)) or =ISLEAPYEAR("1968-02-29") giving the date string in the ISO 8601 notation.

Nunca utilices =ESAÑOBISIESTO(2/29/68), porque esti podría evaluar primero 2 estremáu por 29 estremáu por 68, y dempués calcular la función ESAÑOBISIESTO d'esti númberu pequeñu como un númberu de serie de la fecha.

Información téunica

This function is not part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3. Part 4: Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format standard. The name space is




Calcula la diferencia ente dos feches, en meses.


MESES(FechaInicial; FechaFinal; Tipu)

FechadeAniciu ye'l primer día del periodu

FechaFinal ye l'últimu día del periodu

Tipu calcula'l tipu de diferencia. Los valor posibles inclúin 0 (intervalu) y 1 (nel calendariu añal).

Información téunica

This function is not part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3. Part 4: Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format standard. The name space is




Codifica una cadena de caráuteres moviéndolos 13 posiciones nel alfabetu. Dempués de la Z vuélvese de primeres del alfabetu (rotación). Al volver aplicar la función de codificación al códigu resultante, se descodifica el testu.



Testu ye la cadena de caráuteres a ser codificada. ROT13(ROT13(Testu)) decodifica el códigu.


=ROT13("Gur Qbphzrag Sbhaqngvba jnf sbhaqrq va Frcgrzore 2010.") returns the string "The Document Foundation was founded in September 2010.". Notice how spaces, digits, and full stops are unaffected by ROT13.

Información téunica

This function is not part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3. Part 4: Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format standard. The name space is



Refer to the ROT13 wiki page for more details about this function.


Calcula la diferencia ente dos feches, en selmanes.


SELMANES(FechaInicial; FechaFinal; Tipu)

StartDate is the start date in the interval.

EndDate is the end date in the interval. The end date must be greater than the start date, or else an error is returned.

Type specifies the type of difference to be calculated. Possible values are 0 (time interval) or 1 (calendar weeks).

If Type = 0 the function will assume that 7 days is equivalent to one week without considering any specific day to mark the beginning of a week.

If Type = 1 the function will consider Monday to be the first day of the week. Therefore, except for the start date, each occurrence of a Monday in the interval is counted as an additional week.


This function considers Monday to be the first day of the week regardless of the current locale settings.


In the following examples, dates are passed as strings. However, they can also be stored in separate cells and be passed as references.

=WEEKS("01/12/2022","01/17/2022",0) returns 0 because Type was set to 0 and there are only 5 days in the interval.

=WEEKS("01/12/2022","01/19/2022",0) returns 1 because Type was set to 0 and there are 7 days in the interval.

=WEEKS("01/12/2022","01/17/2022",1) returns 1 because Type was set to 1 and the interval contains a Monday, since 01/12/2022 is a Wednesday and 01/17/2022 is a Monday.

=WEEKS("01/10/2022","01/15/2022",1) returns 0 because Type was set to 1 and the interval does not contain any Mondays, except for the start date.

Información téunica

This function is not part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3. Part 4: Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format standard. The name space is




Calcula'l númberu de selmanes del añu que contienen la fecha especificada. El númberu de selmanes definir de la siguiente forma: si una selmana atópase estremada ente dos años, la selmana asignar al añu que contién más díes d'esa selmana.



Fecha ye cualquier fecha nel añu respectivu. El parámetru Fecha ten de ser una fecha válida d'alcuerdu a les configuraciones locales del LibreOffice.


SEMANASENAÑO(A1) devuelve 53 si A1 contién 1970-02-17, 1970 ye una fecha valida pal añu.

Información téunica

This function is not part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3. Part 4: Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format standard. The name space is




Calcula la diferencia ente dos feches, n'años.


AÑOS(Fecha Inicial; Fecha Final; Tipu)

FechadeAniciu ye'l primer día del periodu

FechaFinal ye l'últimu día del periodu

Tipu calcula'l tipu de diferencia. Los valores posibles son 0 (intervalu) y 1 (en calendariu añal).

Información téunica

This function is not part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3. Part 4: Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format standard. The name space is



Add-ins por aciu la API de LibreOffice

Add-ins can also be implemented through the LibreOffice API.

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