Title page

Opens a dialog where you can design a title page.

للوصول لهذا الأمر...

From the menu bar:

Choose menu Format - Title Page.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - Title Page.

Choose Layout - Title Page.

From toolbars:

Icon Title Page

Title Page

ضع عنوان للصفحات

حوّل الصفحات الموجودة إلى إسم الصفحات

Change the current page style to First Page and the following pages will have the Default Page Style. The styles First Page and Default Page Style are LibreOffice automatic page styles.

أدرِج صفحات عنوان جديدة

Insert a page break and change the current page style to First Page. The following pages will have the Default Page Style page style.

Number of title pages

Set the number of title pages to insert.

Place title pages at

بداية المستند

The title pages are inserted before the first page of the document.


The title pages are inserted at the page specified by its current numbering.

رقم الصفحة

إعادة ترقيم الصفحات بعد صفحات العنوان

When checked, stop current numbering page count and restart numbering after the last inserted title page.

رقم الصفحة

Set the page number of the page following the last title page.

تعيين رقم صفحة لأول صفحة عنوان

When checked, set the page number for the first title page inserted.

رقم الصفحة

Set the page number for the first title page.

تحرير خصائص الصفحة


Select the page style from the available pages styles in the document.


Click to edit the page style.

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