LibreOffice 25.2 Help
In the LibreOffice BASIC window for a dialog that you created, leave the dialog editor by clicking the name tab of the Module that the dialog is assigned to. The name tab is at the bottom of the window.
Enter the following code for a subroutine called Dialog1Show. In this example, the name of the dialog that you created is "Dialog1":
Sub Dialog1Show
With GlobalScope.BasicLibraries
If Not .IsLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then .LoadLibrary("Tools")
End With
oDialog1 = Tools.ModuleControls.LoadDialog("Standard", "Dialog1")
End Sub
بدون استخدام "LoadDialog" يمكنك استدعاء التعليمات البرمجية كما يلي:
Sub Dialog1Show
oDialog1 = CreateUnoDialog( DialogLibraries.Standard.Dialog1 )
End Sub
عند تنفيذ هذه التعليمات البرمجية، "Dialog1" يفتح. لإغلاق مربع الحوار، انقر فوق زر إغلاق (س) في شريط العنوان الخاص به.