Forms Submenu

Contains commands for activate form design mode, enable/disable control wizards and insert form controls in your document.

ይህን ትእዛዝ ለ መፈጸም...

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Forms.

Design Mode

Toggles the Design mode on or off. This function is used to switch quickly between Design and User mode. Activate to edit the form controls, deactivate to use the form controls.

Control Wizards

አዋቂው ራሱ በራሱ ይጀምር እንደሆን መወሰኛ አዲስ መቆጣጠሪያ በሚያስገቡ ጊዜ ይህ ማሰናጃ ለ ሁሉም ሰነዶች በ አለም አቀፍ ይፈጽማል

መቆጣጠሪያ ባህሪዎች

Opens a dialog for editing the properties of a selected control.

ባህሪዎች መፍጠሪያ

In this dialog you can specify, among others, the data source and the events for the whole form.

ፎርም መቃኛ

መክፈቻ የ ፎርም መቃኛ ፎርም መቃኛ ያሳያል ሁሉንም ፎርሞች እና ንዑስ ፎርሞች በ አሁኑ ሰነድ ውስጥ ከሚዛመዱት መቆጣጠሪያዎች ጋር

Activation Order

Opens the Tab Order dialog so you can modify the order in which control fields get the focus when the user presses the tab key.

ሜዳ መጨመሪያ

መስኮት መክፈቻ እርስዎ የ ዳታቤዝ ሜዳ ወደ ፎርም ወይንም መግለጫ ውስጥ ለ መጨመር የሚመርጡበት

በ ንድፍ ዘዴ መክፈቻ

Opens forms in Design Mode so that the form can be edited.

Automatic Control Focus

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